Kindness in the Company of Strangers

Kindness in the Company of Strangers
Annies works are poetic expressions of our lives released into the world through clay allegories. The make you pause and bring deep emotions into your heart.
Of “Kindness in the Company of Strangers” Annie says…
”My attention has been drawn to homelessness and poverty which are ever increasing globally in the wake of Covid and the war in Ukraine. People become alienated when they no longer have a home base . Many times it’s the support of a dog, cat or a bird that gives them the strength to continue another day.When making homeless figures I consider how I can represent poverty or homelessness. I primarily look at universal body language but also the choice of clothing. Some of the things I chose for this figure include the mismatch of a winter hat and a long sleeved furred jacket with no top underneath combined with a thick skirt and ill fitting Roman sandals with no socks. The stance and the clothing bring to mind thoughts about living rough, making do, op shops, fast food, no permanent abode and poverty. The ever present animal that accompanies them is their friend and protector out in an itinerant world of strangers. We should not underestimate the wonderful kindness and loyalty animals present.”